
Oxidation plant

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The technologically advanced anodic oxidation plant is developed on a covered area of 3000 square meters. It has 37 oxidation tanks and 2 drying ovens, with useful dimensions in length equal to 6100 mm for the satin finish and 6000 mm for the polishing. The loading and unloading area occupies an area of 500 square meters and is equipped with 44 bar stations. The cleaning department, in addition to the manual cleaners, has automatic cleaners able to obtain different types of finishes (brushed, polished, semi-gloss and scotch brite). In total, the following machines are installed: a 4 roller cleaning machine with 2 loading pallets capable of cleaning and polishing profiles up to 6100 mm in length, a scotch brite cleaning machine, two manual grinders to clean profiles and four manual cleaning machines with variable speed motors.
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